Back Pain in Cyclists
When Billings athletes are suffering from lower back pain, Dr. Robert Larson’s chiropractic clinic will help them to heal quickly and safely. But we also value preventive care, which is why we educate athletes on how to avoid overuse injuries. Cycling is a great way to exercise without subjecting the skeletal system to impacts, but cyclists are at high risk for lower back pain if they do not avoid some common mistakes.
It is important for a bicycle’s frame to be fitted to the rider. Cyclists may change their posture while riding, but if the handlebars are too far forward, having to stretch to reach them will put strain on their lower backs. Many peoples’ legs are also slightly different lengths, and while this wouldn’t usually make much of a difference, having to compensate for this over a long period of time could lead to muscle strain.
Lower back pain is a common problem even in professional cyclists, suggesting that poorly fitted equipment is not the only issue. While it is necessary to examine each patient before making a diagnosis, the likeliest problem is lack of core strength. If muscles such as the hip flexors, multifidus, and transverse abdominis are weak, they may start to give out during a ride, allowing the lower spine to sway from side to side. Cyclists should vary their workout routines to build up and stretch these muscles. If a cyclist is already hurt, we can provide treatments such as low-level laser therapy.
Dr. Robert Larson is located at 2110 Overland Ave, Suite 103, Billings, Montana, 59102. To schedule an appointment, visit Dr. Robert L Larson or call 406-655-0101.
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